This subscription page and tab show you the list of your subscribed channels. Tap on a channel to view the list of videos on the channel. We need to start here to import your subscriptions.
We show you how to
On the subscriptions page, tap on Import / Export to get started.
file.Tap on previous export, to select one of your previous exported files.
Warning: This will override your current subscriptions.
This allows you to create a JSON file, of your YouTube/SoundCloud subscriptions. These backups can be imported to restore your subscriptions.
In case you want to use NewPipe on several devices and keep your subscriptions synchronized, you can import this file on another device, too. It is also possible to export the complete local database which contains not only your subscriptions, but also your search and watch history (only if enabled by you), local playlists as well as all app settings. To do so, go to the settings, open the
category, and tap on Backup and restore
Export database
To import this backup, tap on Import database
. Warning: this will override your current app database and cannot be undone.