Schabi contracted to work on NewPipe in the summer

23 Jun 2024, by @Stypox

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TLDR: the NewPipe e.V. will pay Schabi to work on NewPipe during the summer of 2024. He is tasked with rewriting the player, as part of the refactoring process announced a year ago.


 pinned  announcement

State of the Pipe 2023

31 Dec 2023, by @TobiGr

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As the year comes to a close, it’s an opportune moment to reflect on the journey of NewPipe over the past year and to cast a glance toward the project’s future.


 pinned  announcement

NewPipe 0.26.0 + .1: Channel tabs and HD thumbnails!

27 Dec 2023, by @Opusforlife and @Poolitzer

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We cannot believe it either - a new update bringing channel tabs, next to lots of features and fixes, AND we have the blog post out in time? To find out more about this crazy era we live in, read on!


 pinned  release

NewPipe 0.25.2: Nan desu ka!?

05 Dec 2023, by @Opusforlife and @Poolitzer

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Hey look! We were only lagging a couple months behind the app this time, not a whole release cycle! That’s progress! Look at us! :D


 pinned  release