NewPipe 0.20.7 released: YouTube Mix support, bug fixes and many improvements

25 Dec 2020, by Poolitzer, Opusforlife

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Merry Christmas, if you celebrate that, and almost Happy New Year, if you use a calendar at least close to the Gregorian one. We want to present you a little gift as a good way to start 2021 AD/CE (or the year 12021 in the Human Era, according to Kurzgesagt): The next release of NewPipe. It comes with a lot of improvements, fixes, and even a big new feature. So let us dive into this release post!


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Changes in our blog's comment feature

30 Nov 2020, by TheAssassin

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Starting today, we have changed our blog’s comment system. In this post, we explain what we changed, why we did so, and how this affects you as a loyal reader.

TL;DR: We introduce a simple set of rules, as well as moderation.



NewPipe's position on advertising

23 Nov 2020, by TheAssassin

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The NewPipe project recently had a few debates on advertising, its ethics and how Team NewPipe decides whether or not a certain form of advertising is acceptable.

In this article, we present our position on advertising in general, show the difference between ethical and unethical advertising, and explain why we do not intend to support technologies like SponsorBlock.



NewPipe 0.20.4 released: Important fixes and smaller improvements

22 Nov 2020, by tobigr & Opusforlife

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The last update contained dozens of changes. Although we provided release candidates for testing to a wider audience, some regressions slipped through. This small update addresses critical bugs introduced in the last release, re-adds the option to hide the thumbnail on the lock screen when playing a stream in background mode, and brings a few optimizations “under the hood”.


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