NewPipe bids farewell to freenode, and can now be found on Libera.Chat

27 May 2021, by Team NewPipe

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We have provided more details below, but if you do not need/care about this or already know what this is about, here is a TL;DR: NewPipe has an active IRC channel where developers and users chat and ask/answer questions. This channel has been moved from freenode to the brand new Libera.Chat network. We no longer provide a channel on freenode, and urge you to leave that network as soon as possible.

This is the new address of the official NewPipe IRC channel:

You can join using your IRC client, their hosted web app or Matrix.



NewPipe 0.21.2 released: Metadata, crashes, and bug fixes galore - SoundCloud works again too

26 Apr 2021, by Opusforlife & Poolitzer

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Here’s another point release for our lovely users. This release refines Bandcamp support, lays the groundwork for an upcoming feature, and adds many little quality-of-life improvements and fixes that we think quite a few users will have reason to be happy about. Also, if you want to use SoundCloud, you need to update to this release.


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NewPipe 0.21.1 released: EU Consent Cookie Hotfix

10 Apr 2021, by Opusforlife & Poolitzer

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This is a hotfix release to bypass the new YouTube consent page shown to users in the European Union. The workaround used for this is not guaranteed to work forever, though. It may be deprecated soon.

The team is working to find a proper long-term solution to the problem.

For the non-EU users: Carry on! Nothing to see here.


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Results of European Commission and Team NewPipe's Healthcare Hackathon

01 Apr 2021, by TheAssassin

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The European Commission (EC), represented by Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice President of the European Commission for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age, and Team NewPipe jointly organized a hackathon to develop new healthcare solutions, as announced on our social media accounts. Driven by the slow pace at which the vaccinations are conducted for the current worldwide pandemic, the EC asked EU’s most respected open-source app developer group, Team NewPipe, to help out with digital, privacy-respecting and open-source solutions to fix the analog world problems. Of course, Team NewPipe could not say no. Therefore, we organized a hackathon in February and March to develop new ideas to improve Europe’s healthcare.

Today, after the jury, consisting of Mrs Vestager, Christian Schabesberger, @TobiGr, and presided over by @TheAssassin evaluated the submitted projects, we proudly announce the top three projects which are going to receive a six-month funding of 100,000 EUR each.

Please beware that the following text was part of this year’s April’s fools joke. Please see @TheAssassin’s reply in the comments for more details on the context of this joke.


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