Announcing release 0.19.2, removes YouTube and SoundCloud for privacy reasons

01 Apr 2020, by TheAssassin

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The NewPipe project has been informed about privacy concerns with regards to the integration of proprietary services YouTube and SoundCloud. Therefore, until further notice, we decided to remove these from the project. A hotfix release, 0.19.2, is being prepared and planned to be published tomorrow.

Please beware that the following text was part of this year’s April’s fools joke. Please see @TheAssassin’s reply in the comments for more details on the context of this joke.


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NewPipe 0.19.1 released: Hotfix for database migration

31 Mar 2020, by TobiGr

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Argh. We wanted to make the last release perfect. This worked out well - almost.

In this release a rare database migration issue was fixed.


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NewPipe 0.19.0 released: Group your channels and mute your videos

29 Mar 2020, by Poolitzer

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A new day, a new full release. In today’s update, NewPipe is proudly bringing you a mute button and a great way to manage your subscribed channels, on top of the usual smaller improvements and fixes.


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NewPipe 0.18.7 released: Hotfixing SoundCloud

19 Mar 2020, by Poolitzer

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Yes, this is another hotfix release. Can’t stop us now. In this version, SoundCloud gets fixed.


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