NewPipe 0.18.2 released: Hotfix for the YouTube Extractor

26 Jan 2020, by Poolitzer

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8 days after the last release and the next one is already out: A hotfix for the Extractor! A change on YouTube’s side made it necessary.


A hotfix release regarding the Extractor usually means that all the older versions of NewPipe are likely to fail to play YouTube videos - this release is no difference. If you see any Guru Mediation error in the app, please update to this version before you create an issue (and/or verify that you actually have 0.18.2+ installed via hitting the About section in the left menu).


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NewPipe 0.18.1 released: Video thumbnail on lockscreen, bug fixes and improvements

17 Jan 2020, by Poolitzer

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Happy new year! Behold, the first release of 2020, NewPipe 0.18.1. This version, as you probably already guessed from the patch digit increase, focuses mainly on bug fixes and improvements. That being said, there is a fancy new feature for you: Video thumbnails on the lock screen.


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NewPipe 0.18.0 released, adding PeerTube support

26 Dec 2019, by TobiGr

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Santa came a little late this year and dropped NewPipe 0.18.0! In this new version support for PeerTube has been added and many improvements to the downloader were made. Additionally many bugs have been fixed and a couple of cool improvements allow an even smoother usage.


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NewPipe release retrospection: 0.17.1 - 0.17.4

19 Nov 2019, by TheAssassin

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You might have wondered why there haven’t been any release announcements since 0.16.2. Unfortunately, writing these blog posts can consume a lot of time which our developers often think is better invested in writing new features or fixing bugs.

However, you, the users, should have the chance to track all the changes made from release to release in such summaries, and we apologize for having had let things slide for a while. In this blog post, I want to provide a really short summary of what has changed in the last months, and what is yet to come in the upcoming 0.18.0 release.


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