Team NewPipe needs your feedback

01 Mar 2018, by TobiGr

Speech Bubbles

Team NewPipe needs your help!

Since we do not collect any data in the app or on the website, we depend on your feedback.



NewPipe Beta now available

16 Feb 2018, by TobiGr

NewPipe Beta logo

With the aim of making NewPipe bug free and achieving a stable 1.0.0 release, we are proud to announce the immediate availability of NewPipe Beta.


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NewPipe Talk video from 34C3 online

12 Feb 2018, by Schabi

post image

As you may know form the previous post, I did a little talk about NewPipe at the last year CCC congress in Leipzig. This time we managed to take a video of it.

I wanted to give a little impression about what happened last year, and what is planed for the future.


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NewPipe talk during FSFE Assembly on 34C3

18 Dec 2017, by TheAssassin

34C3 logo

In December, the annual Chaos Communication Congress will take place. This is the 34th time hackers from all around the world meet and attend the largest hacker convention in Europe.

Like last year Christian Schabesberger, the initial author and primary maintainer of NewPipe will talk about the development progress of this year, and the roadmap of the next year. This time, we hope that there will be a camera so that a video of the talk can be shot.


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