22 Aug 2021, by @Opusforlife & @Poolitzer
03 Aug 2021, by @Opusforlife & @Poolitzer
13 Jul 2021, by Opusforlife & Poolitzer
Today brings you 0.21.6, and hopefully much joy. We made slight improvements to the UI of our app: You now get notified about deleted channels upon opening them, or when refreshing your feed, and you can instantly search hashtags given in video descriptions. NewPipe also properly supports the Storage Access Framework, which allows you to save your downloads to an external storage medium (such as an SD Card) if you so desire!
08 Jun 2021, by Opusforlife & Poolitzer
“What?”, you exclaim. “A new update? And it’s not even a hotfix? But we had the last update just a few days ago!”
Well, deal with it. B)
(For the millenials, B) is the cool sunglasses emoji that your parents used in the pre-Unicode era.)
Don’t get used to it, though. This is still a volunteer project being done in everyone’s free time.
This indeed isn’t a hotfix. And it isn’t even a minor update! We actually bring you another main user-facing feature: content metadata! Now you can view more information about a video in the Description tab, such as its category, tags, license and so on. If that is not enough for you, the broken like count for YouTube comments has been fixed. Moreover, the channel description doesn’t lose words between the first and second line anymore. Read on to find out more details. Eh? Eh? Anyone? No? Okay. (Tough crowd.)