12 Dec 2021, by @Opusforlife & @Poolitzer
This release has been baking for quite a while, hasn’t it? We’ve all been busy with real life, and the world moved on in the meantime. So this release brings you both several new features and some much needed bug fi - “SORRY, SOMETHING WENT WRONG” - xes, excuse us, such as for YouTube’s removal of dislikes, which caused a snackbar error on every YouTube video, and for PeerTube’s new short URLs, which are the new default since v3.3.0.
We also have some quality-of-life fixes, like adding more options in menus at various places, some UI changes for the feed and the player, and using ExoPlayer’s default buffer values for videos. Let us know if this last change helps or hurts your viewing experience.
12 Oct 2021, by @TobiGr & @Poolitzer
11 Oct 2021, by @Opusforlife & @Poolitzer
10 Sep 2021, by @Opusforlife & @Poolitzer
This release brings you working imports from your YouTube subscriptions export through Google Takeout, an “Always go into full screen” toggle when you play a video via the main player (welcome back, you were sorely missed, auto full screen!), a new Invidious instance, and so much more, that you basically have to read on.