Results of European Commission and Team NewPipe's Healthcare Hackathon

01 Apr 2021, by TheAssassin

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The European Commission (EC), represented by Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice President of the European Commission for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age, and Team NewPipe jointly organized a hackathon to develop new healthcare solutions, as announced on our social media accounts. Driven by the slow pace at which the vaccinations are conducted for the current worldwide pandemic, the EC asked EU’s most respected open-source app developer group, Team NewPipe, to help out with digital, privacy-respecting and open-source solutions to fix the analog world problems. Of course, Team NewPipe could not say no. Therefore, we organized a hackathon in February and March to develop new ideas to improve Europe’s healthcare.

Today, after the jury, consisting of Mrs Vestager, Christian Schabesberger, @TobiGr, and presided over by @TheAssassin evaluated the submitted projects, we proudly announce the top three projects which are going to receive a six-month funding of 100,000 EUR each.

Please beware that the following text was part of this year’s April’s fools joke. Please see @TheAssassin’s reply in the comments for more details on the context of this joke.


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NewPipe 0.21.0 released: What? NewPipe is evolving!

26 Mar 2021, by Opusforlife & Poolitzer

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Make way for the MVP!

Welcome to a brand new release of NewPipe! We fed NewPipe lots of Rare Candies, and after quite a long while, NewPipe learned an awesome new attack: Bandcamp! This was added by @fynngodau, who patiently waited for a year and some months it took us to review, test, forget, double-review, double-test and merge his changes. Please check it out and tell us if you encounter any bugs!

Note: Not everything is working yet (such as fan pages and comments), but the essentials are more or less there. Please open issues on Github for bugs or feature requests, and make sure to follow the template!

Most importantly: enjoy using Bandcamp!


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NewPipe 0.20.11 released: Hotfixing YouTube and SoundCloud

06 Mar 2021, by Opusforlife & Poolitzer

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Welcome to the first hotfix release of 2021 - let us hope it will be the last one. This release fixes SoundCloud, receiving some YouTube content, an app crash and brings you a new translation.


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NewPipe 0.20.10 released: Sepia Search for PeerTube, chapters for YouTube and tabs for everyone!

14 Feb 2021, by Opusforlife & Poolitzer

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Long time no see! We were busy behind the scenes, and can now present you quite a few new features as well as the usual tranche of bug fixes and improvements. First and foremost, though, two more developers have joined Team NewPipe. Welcome, @XiangRongLin and @vkay94!


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